
Why and how to add a hyperlink to a PDF?

Why and how to add a hyperlink to a PDF?

PDF (Portable Document Format) is the standard format for sharing documents in the workplace. And for good reason: it has a number of advantages, including stability and universality. But did you know that you can also make it interactive with hypertext links? Yes, you can. Find out how to create a hypertext link in a PDF with the PDFSmart tool!

Benefits of hyperlinks in a document

Improve user experience

Hyperlinks make it easier to access relevant information. By including links to a website or to another page in the document, you make the information accessible at the click of a button. The document is easy to read. The reader is guided through it. And the user experience is all the clearer and more fluid.

Increase engagement

By guiding readers to complementary media, you encourage them to find out more about you. Website, portfolio, social networks... You maintain engagement over the long term. What's more, hypertext links (re)give readers a choice, so they become involved in their reading. So they're active rather than passive.

Making files more professional

A PDF document with hyperlinks gives your company a modern, professional image. Your presentations are more functional and dynamic. You enhance your company's image. And you increase the impact of your PDF files.

Tracking and analysis

Finally, hyperlinks in PDF files enable tracking and analysis, two very useful concepts for marketing teams. By associating your PDF documents with click analysis tools, you can gather valuable data on the most frequently consulted sections and the most clicked links. So you can fine-tune your content strategy and campaigns according to the interests of your readers!

Best practice for using hypertext links

Relevance and added value

Your hypertext links should add something to your document. This could be additional information or useful resources for your readers. But it can also be a link to the profile of a person quoted or a tool mentioned. In this way, you make it easier to access the information.

Optimising presentation

Make sure that the hypertext links are integrated in a visible way. To avoid visual overload, choose a discreet but identifiable link style, for example, a slight underlining or a different colour. Above all, limit the number of links. Choose only the most useful links.

Accessibility and effectiveness of links

Check that your links work properly before sending them! And on different devices and operating systems, whether computers, tablets or smartphones. As business documents are increasingly consulted on the move, it's essential to guarantee a seamless experience for all users.

Add a hyperlink to a PDF in just a few clicks!

PDFSmart tutorial for adding a hypertext link to a PDF

Step 1: Go to the PDF editor

Start by accessing the PDFSmart editor. To do this, you can click on ‘Import the PDF to be edited’ on the home page. You can also click on ‘Edit’ and then ‘Modify’ in the main menu bar.

Add hyperlink to PDF

Step 2: Import the document in PDF format

Once you are in the editor, import the PDF document you want to modify. You can :

  • download it from your device (computer, tablet, phone, etc.)
  • download it from an online storage service (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)
  • drag and drop it into the dedicated insert
Add hyperlink to PDF

Step 3: Add one or more hyperlinks

Once the document is open in the editor, follow these 5 steps:

Click on ‘Link’ in the toolbar.

Select the text or image where you want to add a hypertext link. A new window will open.

Choose the appearance of the link. You can control the thickness, style and colour of the link.

Choose the destination for the link. You can link to another page in the document or to a web page.

Confirm by clicking ‘Ok’.

Repeat the experiment as many times as possible. And that's it, your document is ready!

Add hyperlink to PDF

Step 4: Download and share the PDF file

Are your changes complete? Are your links working properly? Download the new document by clicking on ‘Download the PDF’. You can also send it via a secure link so that it can be tracked.

To conclude

Adding a hypertext link to a PDF is a powerful best practice. By integrating relevant links, you make navigation easier, increase reader engagement and reinforce your company's image. What's more, these links enable precise tracking and analysis to better understand your readers' interests.

With PDFSmart, adding hyperlinks to a PDF becomes a quick and easy task. In just a few clicks, you can transform your static documents into dynamic, rich media. Try PDFSmart unlimited for 7 days to create interactive, high-performance PDFs that are truly engaging.

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