
Reduce paper in the workplace with PDF files!

Reduce paper in the workplace with PDF files!

Reduce paper in the workplace with PDF files!

In the UK, annual paper consumption amounts to around 9 million tonnes. Paper and cardboard account for more than a quarter of household waste. Not to mention the financial costs and disruption caused by excessive use of office paper. These are all indicators that we need to find an alternative, and fast. And that alternative could well be to go digital. How about learning how to reduce paper in the workplace with PDF files? Find out why and how!

The disadvantages of paper for businesses

Financial costs

The direct costs are clear. We immediately think of the purchase of sheets of paper and supplies such as ink, printers and filing cabinets. The physical archiving of documents also involves costs associated with storage space, particularly in large-scale structures.

But all too often we overlook the indirect costs associated with wasted time... Time spent looking for documents in filing cabinets or piles of paper piling up. Your staff lose productivity, which in turn increases your operating costs.

Environmental impact

The massive use of paper also contributes to a high environmental footprint. For a start, paper production requires excessive consumption of natural resources, in particular wood, water and energy. But that's not all! Once used, this paper is often wasted and ends up in the bin, exacerbating the problem of waste management. This over-consumption is a cause for concern, especially for the environment.


Paper, as a physical medium, is vulnerable to loss or damage. At best, this can lead to delays. But in the worst case, it can lead to legal and financial risks.

Moreover, the security of information is compromised with paper. Physical documents can be lost, stolen or consulted without authorisation, jeopardising the confidentiality of sensitive data.

Dematerialisation to reduce paper in the workplace

Reducing operational costs

The dematerialisation of documents, in particular through the use of PDF files, helps to reduce the costs mentioned above. The cost of processing a paper invoice varies between £5 and £20. For electronic invoices, the cost is 40 to 45 cents. The dematerialisation of invoices therefore represents an average saving of 50 to 75% compared with paper processing.

Protecting the environment

One of the major advantages of dematerialisation is the reduction in companies' carbon footprint. The DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) database reveals that the production of one tonne of paper is responsible for the emission of 919.4 kgCO2e when it is not recycled paper. The first step towards reducing paper consumption is therefore to go paperless, giving preference to digital formats.

Improving productivity and collaboration

Document dematerialisation makes collaborative working much easier:

  • Instant sharing of PDF files, whether between colleagues or with customers.
  • On-the-fly annotation and revision, without the need for successive printouts.
  • Search for information made easy thanks to keyword functions and OCR (optical character recognition).
  • Electronic signature of contracts and agreements for faster collaboration.

Document security and integrity

PDF files offer advanced options for guaranteeing document security and integrity. For example, you can protect access to files with passwords or define specific permissions, such as restricting printing or editing.

In addition, digital signatures must verify the identity of the signatories and guarantee the integrity of the documents in order to be valid. These measures reinforce the confidentiality and reliability of dematerialised exchanges.

How can PDF files be integrated into your day-to-day work?

Establish internal policies

To encourage the adoption of PDF files and reduce paper in the workplace, you need to put in place clear internal policies. This starts by encouraging the use of digital files rather than printing. This could be the case for internal exchanges, reports or even contracts. At the same time, it is important to make employees aware of the ecological and economic benefits of this transition. By understanding the tangible benefits, such as reduced costs and a positive impact on the environment, employees will be more inclined to change their habits.

Adopting PDF management software

Choosing the right PDF management tool is crucial to the success of this transformation. PDFSmart offers a full range of functions: edit, merge, split, compress, convert, lock, sign, etc.

Thanks to an intuitive interface, everything can be done easily and without the need for specific technical skills. Moreover, our PDF editor is compatible with all operating systems (iOS, Microsoft Windows, etc.) and all major browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.).

Try all our unlimited tools for 7 days! One week to reduce your paper consumption and waste.